Students seeking secondary teaching certification must fulfill the general requirements for a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, an approved teaching major must be completed. The approved majors are: visual arts, biology, chemistry, communication and theatre, English, French, history, mathematics, music, physical education, physics and Spanish. Requirements are listed under the respective departments. Students seeking K-12 certification in art also should see the Certification Advisor in the College of Education.
Students seeking K-12 certification in music do not take EDL 305, PSYC 315 or TEMS 308 (see the Music Department for substitute requirements). Students majoring in visual arts, music, and physical education are not required to enroll in TEMS 310. Students majoring in visual arts, music, and physical education must enroll for 10 credits in TEMS 422 (see Director of Clinical Experience in the College of Education).
An approved minor must be chosen from biology, chemistry, communication and theatre, economics, English, Spanish, French, German, geography, history, mathematics, physical education, physics, or political science. Students should consult individual department listings for details on these minors.
In addition to content area minors, secondary certification students may complete the Bilingual/Bicultural Minor.