The ETM Program is a hybrid program of engineering subjects and business and management subjects. The Program contains courses in foundation and engineering core subjects followed by courses in industrial practices, and leadership and management courses. It is designed for persons who need to know the technical language of engineering, engineering concepts and processes, but who will work at the interface of engineering and business.
Program objectives are:
1. An increased understanding of modern industrial practices.
2. An increased level of skill in leadership and management practices.
3. An awareness of good business practices, especially in ethics and technology.
4. Communication skill’s appropriate for the industrial work place.
This Program is a four-year (B.S.) program, but can also be entered by holders of an approved associate degree program in engineering technology from a two-year school. Such transfer of students must have the approval of the ETM Program Director or the Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology. This is an interdisciplinary major. Completion of this program fulfills the requirement for a minor in management.
Course Sequence
Courses are to be taken with careful attention to the prerequisites. A student who receives a grade lower than a “C” in a required course may not use that course as a prerequisite for another course in the series.
All basic skills courses must be completed before taking a 300 or higher course.
Graduation requires a minimum of 124 credits of which there must be 42 credits of 300 level or higher courses, and completion of the SVSU General Education requirements.
An engineering and technology minor is available.
ETM majors may also qualify for a management minor. No minor is required for graduation, as the engineering technology management major is an interdisciplinary major.