Mar 03, 2025
Instructional Technology and E-Learning - Master of Arts (M.A.)
Admission Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a cumulative GPA of 3.00.
- A demonstrable working knowledge of personal computer usage and applications is required. Experience with technology in the classroom is desirable, not required.
Program Requirements
- Students should consult with their advisor concerning any modification.
- All credits and requirements toward a master’s degree, including transfer credits, must be completed within seven years prior to the date on which the degree is to be conferred. SVSU credits remain valid for a maximum of seven years.
- Each student must maintain a minimum 3.00 GPA in graduate study.
- Whenever a GPA drops below a 3.00, or a student receives two “C” grades in the program, the student will be placed on academic probation. A student on probation must have records reviewed by a departmental committee. Continuation in the program and graduation will depend upon the recommendation of that committee and the approval of the dean.
- Courses taken as continuing education units (CEUs) may not count toward a master’s degree unless the course is endorsed for college credit in advance of advertisement by the corresponding department and by the Dean of the College of Education.
- A maximum of 6 credits for ETD 509 courses may count toward the degree.
- A maximum of 6 credits of independent study may count toward the degree.
- Each student must successfully complete a designated “capstone” course or thesis option during his/her last six semester hours of graduate study.
- Exit from the program will include a degree check, a review of GPA, and successful completion of the “capstone” course and/or thesis option.
Program Requirements
Choose one of two cognate options: Instructional Technology (21 credits) E-Learning (21 credits) Required Core Courses (12 cr)
Instructional Technology (21 cr)
Cognate Courses (12 courses)
Choose two of three courses (6 cr total)
Electives (3 cr)
To be chosen from Educational Technology and Development (ETD) courses or related courses from other departments with permission of an ETD advisor. Note on the NP Endorsement
The following seven courses are approved by the State of Michigan for the NP Endorsement for Certified Teachers - ETD 502, ETD 517, ETD 543, ETD 544, ETD 567, TE 571/ETD 622, ETD 624. E-Learning Cognate (21 cr)
Electives (9 cr)
To be chosen from Educational Technology and Development (ETD) courses or related courses from other departments with permission of an ETD advisor. |