Mar 13, 2025
Secondary Teaching Certification
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Students seeking secondary teaching certification must fulfill the general requirements for a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, an approved teaching major must be completed. The approved majors are: visual arts, biology, chemistry, communication and theatre, English, French, history, mathematics, music, physical education, physics and Spanish. Requirements are listed under the respective departments. Students seeking K-12 certification in art also should see the Certification Advisor in the College of Education.
Students seeking K-12 certification in music do not take EDL 305, PSYC 315 or TEMS 308 (see the Music Department for substitute requirements). Students majoring in visual arts, music, and physical education are not required to enroll in TEMS 310. Students majoring in visual arts, music, and physical education must enroll for 10 credits in TEMS 422 (see Director of Clinical Experience in the College of Education).
A 20-credit minor must be chosen from biology, chemistry, economics, Spanish, French, German, mathematics, physical education, physics, political science; or a 21-credit minor in history; or a 24-credit minor in communication and theatre, English, and geography. Students should consult individual department listings for details on these minors.
In addition to content area minors, secondary certification students may complete the Bilingual/Bicultural Minor.
Pre-Professional Studies (5 credits required)
Professional Studies (21-24 credits required)
Methodology (15-18 credits required)
TEMS 302 and EDL 305 are prerequisites for TEMS 308 and TEMS 312. Support Courses (6 credits required)
Student Teaching (12 credits required)
Teacher Education Program Requirements
Grade Point Average Requirement
Students in the Department of Teacher Education will be required to maintain an accumulative GPA of at least 2.50 in all professional studies courses in order to student teach. Additionally, NCATE accreditation requires an accumulative GPA of 2.50 prior to recommendation for certification. Students failing to maintain the required GPA in either case may be dismissed from the program, subject to an appeal. Information for an appeals process may be obtained from the dean’s office. Seven Year Time Limit for Professional Studies/Methods Courses
All professional studies/methods courses (credits and requirements) must be completed within seven (7) years prior to the date on which the degree is to be granted. Student Teaching
TE 420 and TEMS 422 are graded on a pass/fail basis. Evaluations are made and kept on file in the College of Education Office. Application forms for student teaching can be obtained from the College of Education web site and must be returned to the director by the last working day of the month of November for the next year’s Fall Semester Student Teaching assignment, or by the last working day of the month of March for the next year’s Winter Semester Student Teaching assignment. Student teaching and the seminar (TE 410/420 or TEMS 412/422) constitute a full course load. No student may enroll for any additional credits without written permission from the Director of Clinical Experiences. Student teaching normally involves 14 weeks of full-time teaching in an area school. Assignments are made by the Director of Clnical Experiences. Student teaching assignments are routinely made only for fall and winter semesters. Summer student teaching assignments may be approved by the faculty of the Department of Teacher Education upon recommendation of the Director of Clinical Experiences. Such assignments are to be exceptional and/or experimental. Note: It is particularly important that students placed in student teaching assignments for a given semester immediately notify the Director of Clinical Experiences when they are not able to fulfill their placement obligation. When a student drops student teaching without approval of the Director of Clinical Experiences, he/she will not be given a student teaching assignment during the following semester. When this student reapplies, he/she may be asked to appear for a formal hearing of the Department of Teacher Education. |
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