Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog | Expires Aug. 2027 




  • ACCT 213 - Financial Accounting

    The accumulation and presentation of business data with primary emphasis on the external user. Accounting principles will be examined as they apply to individual proprietorships, partnerships and corporations in the service and merchandising industries.

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 214 - Managerial Accounting

    Accounting as an aid to decision making. Topics considered will include: The Statement of Cash Flows, the analysis and interpretation of financial statements, current planning and control systems, evaluation of performance, special decisions and long range planning. Emphasis will be placed on the use of accounting information in decision making rather than data accumulation and presentation.

    Requisites: ACCT 213 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 280 - Agricultural Accounting Information

    This course emphasizes accounting as an information system in agricultural settings. Topics covered include financial statements and how transactions and events affect those financial statements, and the use of accounting as an information system in the analysis and provision of information useful for proprietors, managers, and others in an agricultural setting. This course will not substitute for Acct 213 or Acct 214, and will not substitute for any Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Professional Accountancy Major or Business Core courses.

    Requisites: Sophomore standing. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 290 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the course schedule and the transcript.

    Requisites: As listed in the course schedule. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ACCT 310 - Fund Accounting

    Rules and methods used in accounting systems for nonprofit entities and private health, education, and welfare organizations. Systems covered include: state and local government; colleges and universities; health care entities; and various other governmental and nongovernmental agencies. Frequent reference to GASB and FASB standards and other authoritative pronouncements. Students who are majoring in accounting are encouraged to take this course before or at the beginning of the junior year.

    Requisites: ACCT 213 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 311 - Intermediate Accounting I

    Theory and principles involved in the definition, measurement, and disclosure of assets. Other topics include: review of the accounting cycle, overview of basic financial statements, and accounting for income taxes. Frequent reference is made to authoritative accounting pronouncements.

    Requisites: ACCT 214, junior standing (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 312 - Intermediate Accounting II

    Continuation of Intermediate Accounting I. Emphasizes measurement and reporting problems associated with stockholders; equity and liabilities, including leases and pensions. Other topics include: statement of cash flows, accounting changes and error analysis, revenue recognition, and disclosure requirements.

    Requisites: ACCT 311, junior standing. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 313 - Accounting Software Applications

    The use of commercially available computer software packages as a tool to understanding accounting systems and developing information for decision-making. Creating, maintaining and, analyzing accounting records that comply with tax rules and generally accepted accounting principles.

    Requisites: ACCT 213 and ACCT 214, and CS 150 or equiv (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ACCT 315 - Cost Accounting

    Emphasizes the accumulation of costs by product for internal and external uses. The accumulation of costs is demonstrated for use in planning, control and decision making. Cost accounting techniques are analyzed in traditional and modern manufacturing and service environments.

    Requisites: ACCT 214 , junior standing (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 316 - Federal Income Tax Accounting

    ACCT 214  Basic concepts applicable to all taxpayers with emphasis on taxable income for individuals. Includes gross income, exclusions and deductions from gross income, nonbusiness deductions, gains and losses on sale or exchange of assets, and tax credits. Frequent reference to the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations.

    Requisites: ACCT 214 and junior standing or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 317 - International Accounting

    An introduction to international accounting. Topics include comparative development patterns in international accounting, comparative financial accounting practices, foreign currency translation and accounting for changing prices, analysis of foreign financial statements, transfer pricing and international taxation, management accounting in international enterprise.

    Requisites: ACCT 213 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ACCT 319 - Accounting Internship

    Students may apply for academic credit for activities emphasizing the practical application of accounting, auditing or tax. These activities involve on-the-job experience with an employer. Approval of the department is required.

    Requisites: Instructor permission. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-3 cr

1-3 cr
  • ACCT 342 - Global Experience in Accounting

    The course provides students with an academic and experiential learning opportunity abroad. The primary goal of this course is to learn how to do business in an international setting.

    Requisites: Junior standing, instructor permission.

    XLIST: FIN 342 , LAW 342  

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Special course fees may apply.
3 cr
  • ACCT 352 - Accounting for Entrepreneurs

    This course is designed to address the needs of the entrepreneur as they relate to financial and managerial accounting issues. Topics will include a basic understanding of financial statements, internal control techniques, relevant business practices and performance measurement concepts.

    Requisites: Junior standing or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Not open to business majors.
3 cr
  • ACCT 390 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Requisites: As listed in the course schedule (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ACCT 394 - Independent Research

    An independent research project in the discipline by a student or a cooperative research project with a faculty member. The student and instructor must agree on a project before enrollment.

    Requisites: Instructor permission, 3.00 GPA or higher and a minimum of 12 credits in ACCT (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ACCT 411 - Advanced Accounting

    Topics include corporate stock investments using the cost and equity methods; consolidation methods; accounting for foreign currency transactions and translation of the statement of foreign subsidiaries; partnership formation, income division, and liquidation; and other current advanced topics.

    Requisites: ACCT 312, junior standing (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 413 - Auditing

    A study of the standards, procedures, and theories guiding the practice of auditing. Topics include: the nature and scope of auditing, auditing standards, ethics, internal control structure, legal obligations, and technical reporting considerations.

    Requisites: ACCT 312 and senior standing or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 414 - Accounting Information Systems

    Current methodologies for designing, auditing, and evaluating the storing, processing and retrieving of accounting information. Includes the solving of information system problems, case studies and exposure to contemporary accounting software.

    Requisites: ACCT 311  

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 416 - Federal Income Tax - Advanced

    Income tax for other than individuals. Includes depreciation, depletion, partnerships, corporations, especially taxed corporations, net operating losses, gift and estate taxes, and income tax research. Frequent reference to the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations.

    Requisites: ACCT 316 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ACCT 490 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the course schedule and the transcript.

    Requisites: As listed in the course schedule (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ACCT 493 - Directed Reading in Accounting

    A student must submit a plan of study for approval by the faculty member and the dean before enrolling.

    Requisites: Instructor permission. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ACCT 498 - Honors Thesis

    Preparation and completion of an honors thesis. May enroll twice, one for the preparation of the proposal and once for its completion.

    Requisites: Honors student status and thesis advisor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr

Agricultural Studies

  • AGS 495 - Agricultural Studies Minor Capstone

    An independent study of specific topics related to agriculture-based studies.  Designed specifically for the Agricultural Studies minor, students have the option of a research project, internship or other project-based study under the guidance of a faculty member in their program of study.

    Requisites: Junior standing, program coordinator approval. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-3 cr

1-3 cr


  • ART 100 - Art Appreciation (GE2)

    This introductory course for the beginner in art focuses on a study of a variety of visual arts through media, style, genre, historical period, and culture. The course provides a broad understanding and appreciation of artistic expressions from a wide variety of perspectives. Not an elective for art, design or BFA majors.

    Credits:3 cr

    General Education:   

3 cr
  • ART 111 - Two-Dimensional Design

    An introduction to design, its means and materials. Line, form, color and their composition are analyzed separately and combined together in experimental, temporal, psychological and pictorial terms. A basic required course for art majors.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 112 - Three-Dimensional Design

    A first course in spatial design, introducing various basic concepts and formal elements of sculptural form. A basic required course for art majors.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 121 - Intro to Drawing

    A course in pictorial composition to introduce the novice to line, form, proportion, light-value and perspective. A basic required course for art majors.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 122 - Intermediate Drawing

    A continuation of the study of drawing including value, shape and composition. Personal expression will be emphasized.

    Requisites: ART 121   (Required, Previous).

    XLIST:   ART 226  , ART 316  , ART 321  , ART 323  , ART 423 

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 130! - Art and Understanding (GE2)

    An introductory exploration of art history and the visual arts with an emphasis placed on the interaction between the practice of the visual arts and attempts to understand the human condition in past and present cultures around the world. Selected contemporary and historical issues in the visual arts will be examined.

    Requisites: ENGL 111 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    General Education: Category 2 - Arts  &  

    Notes: Recommended for students wishing to fulfill the arts communication intensive requirement of the   program.
3 cr
  • ART 190 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the course schedule and the transcript.

    Requisites: As listed in the course schedule. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 201 - Hist of Art I: Prehistory-Middle Ages

    An introductory course for the discipline of art history. Surveys the history of art from the Palaeolithic period through the late medieval period, emphasizing the place of the visual arts in the history of civilization. Considers issues including technique, style, iconography, patronage, historical context, and art theory.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 202 - Hist of Art II: Renaissance to Present

    An introductory course for the discipline of art history. Surveys the history of art from the Renaissance period through the 20th century emphasizing the place of the visual arts in the history of civilization. Considers issues including technique, style, iconography, patronage, historical context and art theory.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 210 - Intro to Crafts

    A beginning course in craft techniques chosen from areas not normally covered in other art classes. Does not apply to art major.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 222 - Intro to Sculpture

    A beginning course designed to introduce the student to the techniques and formal principles of sculpture. Spatial design, the human figure and abstract sculpture are explained and examined by supplementary lectures and demonstrations.

    Requisites: ART 112 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 223 - Intro to Painting

    A beginning course designed to introduce the student to basic techniques and concepts of painting. Individual problems of space, image and color are encountered, including instruction in composition and color theory.

    Requisites: ART 121   (Required, Previous).

    XLIST:   ART 323  and ART 423  

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 224 - Intro to Printmaking

    A beginning course in the principles and the techniques of printmaking including linoleum, cuts, woodcut, drypoint and etching.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 225 - Intro to B & W Photography

    A basic understanding of black and white photography as an art form. The course will explore the technical, aesthetic and historical aspects of photography including film development and enlarging.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: A 35mm camera with manual controls is required. Bring camera to 1st class. Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 226 - Intro to Watercolor Painting

    A beginning course in the techniques of transparent watercolor emphasizing a basic approach.

    Requisites: ART 121   (Required, Previous).

    XLIST: ART 122  , ART 316  , ART 321  , ART 323  , ART 423  

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 227 - Intro to Ceramics

    A study of the ceramic process emphasizing technique and skill. A course designed to give the student facility with clay through building techniques and glazing procedures.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 231 - Life Drawing

    An introduction to drawing the human figure and a study of the human form using the skeleton and nude models.

    Requisites: ART 121 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 250 - Introduction to Graphic Design

    An introduction to the tools, materials and techniques used by graphic designers. The class addresses basic visual communication development and problem solving using traditional process.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Bring supplies to 1st class. Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 260 - Intro Computer Graphic Design

    A beginning course in the use of computers to solve graphic design problems. Included will be a general description of machine usage, history and operation of printers, disk drives, peripherals and software. Specific software will include illustration and page layout programs.

    Requisites: ART 250 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 290 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Requisites: As listed in the course schedule (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 300 - Pinhole Photography

    An advanced photographic study through creation of lens-less cameras. The course will introduce alternative photography visions for understanding pinhole photography aesthetics. Students will create several pinhole cameras including 360 degree panoramic camera and 4’x 5’ format wood camera.

    Requisites: ART 225 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 301 - Arts for Elementary Teachers: Art

    This course explores strategies for integrating visual art activities into elementary classrooms,k-8. It offers practical experiences in the creation and teaching of visual art activities. The course provides students with educationally oriented art activities in instructional settings. This course is for elementary education major only, not for Art , Graphic Design, BFA, or Visual Art Education majors.

    Requisites: Admitted elementary education majors only. (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1 cr

    Notes: This course is intended for   Majors only.
1 cr
  • ART 302 - Medieval Art History

    A survey of European art from the fourth century to the fifteenth century. This course considers specific artistic practices and the cultural contexts of selected works of art and architecture from this period.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 303 - Art of Non-Western World

    A survey of the history of art in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas and other non-western cultures. This course examines artistic practices and the cultural contexts of specific works of art, considering art and politics, power, gender, and cultural change brought on by encounters with the West.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 304 - Art of Latin America

    A survey of the art of Central and South America from the pre-Columbian era through the present. Specific artistic practices and the cultural contexts of selected works of art and architecture will be covered.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 305 - Studio Lighting in Photography

    An advanced photography course involving the study of color theory, studio lighting in commercial applications and other advanced techniques.

    Requisites: ART 225 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 311 - Relief Prints

    An in-depth study of printmaking from a raised surface. Traditional and experimental techniques will be used as the means for individual expression. Linoleum, woodblock and collage printing are included.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 314 - Etching

    An in-depth study of the techniques of etching, aquatint and collagraph as used by the creative artist.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 315 - Color Photography

    A basic study in color photography including, exposure control, negative development and printing. The course will also include the study of composition, content, emotional use of value and color as its own subject.

    Requisites: ART 225 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 316 - Advanced Watercolor

    Advanced Watercolor is a continuation of Introductory Watercolor. The students innovate more personal forms of expression based on introductory techniques.

    Requisites: ART 226   (Required, Previous).

    XLIST: ART 122  , ART 226  , ART 321  , ART 323  , ART 423  

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 319 - Methods of Teaching Visual Arts: K-6

    An art methods class for Visual Art Education majors covering curricula for K-6 grade students. It includes the development of sequential art curriculum, assessment methods, production of instructional resources, child development, and other knowledge relevant to teaching grades K-6. Fieldwork in Elementary art classroom required.

    Requisites: ART 111, ART 112, ART 121, ART 122 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ART 320 - Methods of Teaching Visual Arts: 6-12

    An art methods class for Visual Art Education majors covering curriculum for 6-12 grade students. It includes the development of sequential art curriculum, assessment methods, production of instructional resources, child development, and other knowledge relevant to 6-12 teaching. Fieldwork in Middle and Secondary Art Education classroom required.

    Requisites: ART 111, ART 112, ART 121, ART 122 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ART 321 - Advanced Drawing

    The student becomes more involved with personal expression.

    Requisites: ART 121 and ART 122, or ART 221 and ART 122 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course 
3 cr
  • ART 322 - Intermediate Sculpture

    An introduction to new methods in sculpture not covered in the introductory class.

    Requisites: ART 222 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 323 - Intermediate Painting

    A continuation of the introductory class with emphasis on different techniques not covered previously.

    Requisites: ART 223 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 324 - Advanced Printmaking

    Requisites: ART 224 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 325 - Advanced Black & White Photography

    A study of advanced techniques in black and white photography. The course includes the study of the zone system, stereo photography, research paper and production of personal portfolio.

    Requisites: ART 225 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 327 - Intermediate Ceramics

    Focus is on the continued development of skills learned in ART 227  with emphasis on form and aesthetic, glaze calculation and kiln firing.

    Requisites: ART 227 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 328 - Introduction to Wheel Throwing

    The course will investigate clay through the use of the potters wheel as a tool. Students will learn basic throwing skills and concepts of form.

    Requisites: ART 227 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 329 - Intermediate Wheel Throwing

    A continuation of the introductory course. This course will further explore the diversity of the potters wheel as a creative tool. Clay type and firing techniques with be addressed.

    Requisites: ART 328 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 330 - Silkscreen

    A study in depth of the basic techniques of silkscreen as an art medium.

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 331 - Advanced Life Drawing

    Advanced drawing of the human figure.

    Requisites: ART 231 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 333 - Graphic Design History Survey

    This course surveys the pivotal events and achievements that led to the current state of graphic communication. Through lectures, videos, discussions, presentations and research, students are introduced to the creative thinkers, important innovations and breakthrough technologies that have shaped the evolution of visual communication.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 334 - Art in America

    A survey of the visual arts in America from the colonial period to the present. Painting, sculpture, graphic arts and architecture will be covered.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 335 - Survey of Photography

    A survey of photographic history. Includes pre-photography art, inventions and technological and aesthetic development of photography through the 20th century.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 337 - Portrait Photography

    A study of the basic styles of photographic portraiture including standard lighting techniques, available light, posing and environmental portraiture.

    Requisites: ART 225 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 344 - Modern and Contemporary Art History

    A survey of the visual arts from the industrial revolution to the contemporary period. Painting, sculpture, graphic arts and architecture will be covered.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 350 - Typography & Color in Design

    A discussion of typographic history and application. An emphasis on text as an expressive graphic element will be explored.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 354 - Web Design

    This course focuses on web concepts and high quality web design; sequential communication, editorial design and visual communication for the web. Students will integrate text, graphics and other basic introductory design applications into web site design.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, and ART 350 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 355 - Logo & Business Identity Design

    A study in designing logos and business identity programs. Includes identity packages, presentation folders and signage.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 365 - Intermediate Computer Graphic Design

    An expansion of graphic design concepts addressed in ART 260 with an emphasis on problems in advertising. Includes the discussion of one-, two-, and four-color process.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 370 - Digital Imaging

    A study of electronic imagery in graphic design using Adobe Photoshop. Historical and technical aspects of digital imagery and its application will be presented.

    Requisites: ART 250 and ART 260 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 380 - Publication Design

    A study of techniques used in designing for print media. A broad range of multipaged documents will be covered including newsletter, brochures, annual reports and cover design.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350, ART 370 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 385 - User Interface Design

    Art 385 User Interface Design

    This course examines the principles of mobile app design and development. Topics covered include Information Architecture, Usability Studies, and Interface Design. Students will design the user interface and icons for a mobile app. The topic of interface design will be investigated via screen layout& grid design, icon design, and harmony through theme and color system. Students will create professional-quality working mock-ups in the course. Pre-requisite Art 250 and Art 260.


    Art 250 and Art 260

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 390G - Special Topics in Art

    An arrangement for special areas of art not covered in other courses. Studio or lecture course.

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 390G - Special Topics in Graphic Design

    An arrangement for special areas of graphic design not covered in other courses. Studio course.

    Requisites: Art 250 and Art 260, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 395 - Independent Laboratory/Studio

    An independent research project in the discipline by a student; a cooperative research project with a faculty member; or an advanced independent studio in a performing art. The student and instructor must agree on a project before enrollment.

    Requisites: Instructor permission, 3.00 GPA or higher and a minimum of 12 credits in the discipline (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 400 - Illustration

    A study of the creative problems encountered by illustrators in the field of graphic design. Traditional methods and techniques will be explored.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 405 - Large Format Photography

    An advanced photographic study using large format photographic equipment. The course will cover several advanced view camera techniques including, Scheimpflug Rule, Bellow extension measurement and reciprocity failure calculations. The course also will focus on historical and aesthetic development involved in creation of large format images by studying past master photographers.

    Requisites: ART 225 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 411 - Seminar in Art History and Criticism

    An advanced study of various art periods and trends as a basis for evaluating works of art.

    Requisites: Art 201 or Art 202, or instructor’s permission.

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr
  • ART 420 - Video Production for Multimedia

    A study of techniques used in creating video productions. Students will learn preproduction, production and postproduction skills as well as authoring software as a delivery system.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350, ART 370 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 422 - Advanced Sculpture

    The student becomes more involved with complex plaster casting constructions and personal expression.

    Requisites: ART 222, ART 322 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 423 - Advanced Painting

    The student becomes more involved with personal expression.

    Requisites: ART 223, ART 323 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 425 - Photojournalism

    Techniques of camera use and darkroom as they relate to photojournalism with particular emphasis on news photography assignments.

    Requisites: ART 225 or instructor permission (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 427 - Advanced Ceramics

    The development of individual expression and self sufficiency.

    Requisites: ART 327 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 430 - Dynamic Digital Design

    A study of the problems encountered in designing for electronic media. Animation, interactivity, and designing for the internet are covered.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 433 - Community Mural Painting: Process & Tech

    This course explores the applications of traditional and computer-based drawing, painting and design skills in group projects to create public artworks. Student learns historical contexts of African American, Latin American and other communities’ mural imagery in Michigan and elsewhere. Student learns project organization and leadership in mural development, applicable to political, corporate and entrepreneurial settings.

    Requisites: ART 323 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 435 - Alternative Photography

    Exploration of advanced photography techniques and aesthetics using non-silver materials including Cyanotype and Gum Bichromate.

    Requisites: ART 225 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course
3 cr
  • ART 450 - Design Portfolio Development

    Students will develop a professional portfolio in graphic design by building on and refining their work with emphasis on organization and presentation.

    Requisites: ART 250, ART 260, ART 350, ART 355, ART 365, ART 370 ART 430 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

    Notes: Studio course.
3 cr
  • ART 480 - Arts Management & Safety BFA Seminar

    This course is to act as the capstone course for   students. A survey of the business of being a professional artist. Included will be a discussion of exhibition, galleries, museums, art, writing grants, legal considerations and marketing. Also covered will be studio design for various disciplines and safety and health concerns.

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ART 487 - Visual Art Educator

    This course covers long range planning of the visual art curriculum, grant writing, future professional development and related functions in the classroom, school and community. Fieldwork in elementary art education classroom required.

    Requisites: ART 319, ART 320, and at least 6 credits from Studio/Design Media or Technology courses: ART 222, ART 223, ART 224 ART 225, ART 226, ART 227, ART 250, ART 260 (Required, Previous).

    Credits:4 cr

4 cr
  • ART 490 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Requisites: As listed in the course schedule (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 490G - Special Topics in Graphic Design

    An arrangement for special areas of graphic design not covered in other courses. Studio course.


    Art 250 and Art 260, or Instructor’s permission

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 494 - Independent Research

    An independent research project in the discipline by a student or a cooperative research project with a faculty member. The student and instructor must agree on a project before enrollment.

    Requisites: Instructor permission, 3.00 GPA or higher, and a minimum of 12 credits in the discipline (Required, Previous).

    Credits:1-4 cr

1-4 cr
  • ART 495 - Independent BFA Studio

    An intensive and comprehensive Studio course. designed specifically for the BFA program. The course will focus on one concentration in order to produce portfolio pieces and study advanced techniques.

    Requisites: Instructor permission, 3.00 GPA or higher, and a minimum of 12 credits in the discipline (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3-4 cr

3-4 cr
  • ART 496 - Field Experience in Art,Design,Art Hist

    Advanced study in Art, Graphic Design, or art History which will involve internship experience. To be chosen with the consent of the faculty advisor.

    Requisites: ART 250, instructor permission, 2.50 GPA or higher, and a minimum of 12 credits in the discipline (Required, Previous).

    Credits:3 cr

3 cr

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