Jan 15, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | Expires Aug. 2019 

Basic Skills Course Requirement and Course Placement Tests

Each student must satisfy basic skills course requirements for mathematics, reading and writing. Placement into or exemption from the required courses in mathematics, reading and writing will be determined by results of the ACT and/or course placement tests. Students who feel they have received an inappropriate placement may request additional assessment from Academic Advisement Center and/or the appropriate department chairperson. For transfer students, placement into or exemption from these required courses also may be determined by the results of the Transfer Evaluation Report (TER).

Students should view entry and college-level basic skills as minimum standards and continue to develop their skills in reading, writing and mathematics throughout their college careers. Although computer literacy is not a basic skills requirement at Saginaw Valley State University, students are strongly advised to become computer literate.

A student must have completed basic skills requirements, or have appropriate courses in each of the three sequences in progress by the time the SVSU total of registered credits reaches 12, and continue in the appropriate courses each succeeding semester until the requirement is satisfied in full. Failure to meet this requirement will block registration. Authorization to register without meeting this requirement may be given, in extenuating circumstances, only by an advisor in the Academic Advisement Center.

Basic Skills Course Requirements

Math: MATH 081 - Basic Mathematical Skills  and MATH 082 - Beginning Algebra .

Reading: One of the three sets of the following courses, depending on placement: 1) ENGL 082 - Foundations for College Reading & Learn  and ENGL 103 - College Reading and Learning ; 2) ENGL 103 - College Reading and Learning ; 3) ENGL 104 - Strategies for Academic Success .

Writing: ENGL 080 - Writing Skills  and ENGL 111 - Composition I .

Students may satisfy the basic skills course requirements in one of the following ways:

  • Completing these courses with a satisfactory grade (“P” or minimum of “C”):
  • Transferring appropriate coursework from another college or university. Equivalent coursework for transfer students is indicated on the Transfer Evaluation Report (TER) provided by the Registrar’s Office upon completion of the review of transcripts from the previous institution(s). Early submission of transcripts from the previous institution(s) is encouraged for appropriate and timely course placement.
  • Meeting the required ACT College Assessment score for a course waiver.
  • Meeting the required SVSU course placement test score for a course waiver.

For more information on course placement, call the Academic Advisement Center, 117 Wickes Hall, at (989) 964-4286.

Math Course Placement

Students will be initially placed into mathematics courses by ACT math sub-score, as detailed below.

ACT Math Score   Minimum Course Placement
16 & below   MATH 081 - Basic Mathematical Skills 
17 - 20   MATH 082 - Beginning Algebra 
21 - 22   Courses requiring MATH 082  as a prerequisite.
23 - 25   Courses requiring MATH 103  as a prerequisite
26 - 27   MATH 140 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis 
28 & above   MATH 161 - Calculus I 

A student may request a mathematics placement test. If a sufficient score is made on this test, the student will be placed in a higher course than the minimum placement indicated above. Students may take this placement test no more than 2 times. Placement tests are coordinated by the Department of Mathematical Sciences  and the Math Resource Center, scheduled by the Math Resource Center, and given on specific dates.

Students without ACT Math sub-scores must take the mathematics placement test. These students may take the placement test no more than 2 times. Transfer students who do not transfer appropriate coursework to SVSU, but do submit ACT Math sub-scores, will follow the usual procedure for students with ACT scores as described above.

Reading Course Placement

Students will be placed into reading courses according to this scale:


ACT Composite  High School GPA Course and Test Requirement Score
16 & below  N/A Students with these scores are required to take ENGL 082 - Foundations for College Reading & Learn  and ENGL 103 - College Reading and Learning .
17 to 21 or 22 & above  N/A
Below 3.00
Students with these scores are required to take the Nelson-Denny Reading Test (NDRT). Reading placement will be determined by the results of the NDRT.
22 & above  Minimum 3.00 Students with these scores are not required to take reading courses or the reading placement test.

Transfer students who do not transfer appropriate coursework to SVSU, but do submit ACT College Assessment scores, will follow the scale above. Transfer students who do not transfer appropriate coursework to SVSU and who do not submit ACT scores must take the Nelson-Denny Reading Test (NDRT). A student who transfers to SVSU with 62 or more credits is exempted from ENGL 082 .

Writing Course Placement

Writing course placement will be based on appropriate scores on authorized assessments, such as ACT. All SVSU students (except those who transfer appropriate course work to SVSU) must submit a score on an authorized assessment to determine writing course placement.

Currently, students with ACT English scores of 16 or higher are placed in ENGL 111 ; students with scores below 16 are placed in ENGL 080  or in linked sections of ENGL 080  and ENGL 082 .