Sep 27, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | Expires Aug. 2016 


  • LAW 408 - Labor Law

    A study of the development of collective bargaining law in the United States with emphasis on administrative, judicial and legislative regulation of labor unions. Arbitration is reviewed.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Junior standing and one course in legal studies.

    3 cr
  • LAW 490 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • LAW 493 - Directed Readings in Law

    A student must submit a plan of study for approval by the faculty member and the dean before enrolling.

    (1-4) cr
  • LAW 499 - Independent Study in Law

    This course permits a student to engage in legal studies related field work individually or in groups. Program approval and supervision will be administered by the legal studies instructor.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Junior standing, permission of instructor and eight credits from legal studies.

    (2-6) cr
  • MATH 081 - Basic Mathematical Skills

    This course is designed to help students develop requisite skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals and operations using percentages and ratios, and basic linear equations. Not Applicable to general education requirements and/or minor requirements. See Basic Skills section of the undergraduate catalog.

    2 cr Notes: Credits earned in remedial courses (000 level) will not apply toward the credits required for graduation. However, they will count toward determining “full load” for students receiving financial aid.
  • MATH 082 - Beginning Algebra

    Introduction to sets, axioms, factoring, first and second degree equations and inequalities, graphs, exponents and radicals. Not applicable to General Education requirements and/or minor requirements.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: C grade or better in MATH 081 or satisfactory score in the Course Placement Test in math. See Basic Skills section of the undergraduate catalog.

    4 cr Notes: Credits earned in remedial courses (000 level) will not apply toward the credits required for graduation. However, they will count toward determining “full load” for students receiving financial aid.
  • MATH 103 - Intermediate Algebra

    Sets, axioms, factoring, functions, first and second degree equations and inequalities, graphs, exponents and radicals. Not applicable to General Education requirements and/or minor requirements.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: “C” grade or better in MATH 082 or satisfactory score on the Course Placement Test in math. See Basic Skills section of the undergraduate catalog.

    4 cr
  • MATH 103A - Intermediate Algebra (Part I)

    This course covers the first half of the content of MATH 103. Completion of this course with a grade of C or better together with the completion of MATH 103B with a grade of C or better will satisfy any requirement for MATH 103. MATH 103B should be taken during the next regular semester. Credit for this course cannot be counted if credit is counted for MATH 103. NOT APPLICABLE TO GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS AND/OR MINOR REQUIREMENTS.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: C grade or better in MATH 082 or satisfactory score on the Course Placement Test in Math.

    2 cr
  • MATH 103B - Intermediate Algebra (Part II)

    This course covers the second half of the content of MATH 103. Completion of this course with a grade of C or better will satisfy any requirement for MATH 103. Credit for this course cannot be counted is credit if counted for MATH 103. NOT APPLICABLE TO GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS AND/OR MINOR REQUIREMENTS.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: grade of C or better in MATH 103A.

    2 cr
  • MATH 104 - Geometry

    Angles, measurement, proofs, and congruent triangles, parallel and polygon theorems, right triangles, circles, areas, coordinate geometry, space geometry and non-Euclidean geometry. Not applicable to General Education Requirements. Not applicable to minor except for elementary education majors or mathematics minor for teacher certification.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 103 or equivalent and/or satisfactory score on pretest.

    4 cr
  • MATH 110 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

    This course covers the modern concepts of mathematics to be taught in K-8. Included are the fundamentals of sets, number bases, properties of and operations on rational numbers, percentage, measurement, geometric concepts, probability and statistics and related work. Exercises are coordinated with class work to related mathematical concepts with the physical world. Not applicable to General Education Requirements. Not applicable to minor except for elementary education majors.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 082 or equivalent.

    4 cr Notes: Required for students preparing for an elementary teacher’s certificate.
  • MATH 120 - Algebraic Methods

    Offered as MATH 120A Algebraic Methods: College Algebra or MATH 120B Algebraic Methods: Finite Mathematics. Using algebraic techniques, students develop analytical reasoning skills to construct mathematical models, solve problems and interpret results.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 103 and/or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 120A - Algebraic Methods: College Algebra

    Students engage in a more in-depth development and extension of the algebraic concepts and methods introduced in Math 103. Topics include algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities; functions, their transformations and graphs; polynomial and rational functions; rational and complex zeros of polynomials, systems of equations and inequalities; applications of matrices.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 103 and/or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 120B - Algebraic Methods: Finite Math

    Students study equations and inequalities, functions, systems of equations, linear programming including the simplex method, quadratic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, mathematics of finance, introduction to differential calculus including derivatives and applications. The course emphasizes applications from business and economics.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 103 and/or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 125 - Contemporary Mathematics

    A liberal arts course providing an introduction to logical inference, statistics, probability, management science, social choice, concepts of size and shape, algorithmic processes and consumer mathematics. Emphasis on understanding rather than computational expertise. Includes a library and writing component.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 082 and/or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 132 - Statistical Methods

    Offered as MATH 132A Statistical Methods: General Statistics or MATH 132B Statistical Methods: Biostatistics. In this introduction to statistical methodology, students identify methods of acquiring, organizing and analyzing data so as to make decisions and respond to arguments. Topics include graphical representation of data, probability distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis test, parametric and non-parametric techniques, regression and correlation, and analysis of variance.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 082 or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 132A - Statistical Methods: General Statistics

    Applications from many arenas, such as business, politics, medicine and health, the social and behavioral sciences, education and environmental science.

    4 cr
  • MATH 132B - Statistical Methods: Biostatistics

    Special emphasis on applications from biology and the health sciences.

    4 cr
  • MATH 140 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis

    Introductory topics in mathematical analysis with special emphasis on functions including logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 120A or MATH 121, and/or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 161 - Calculus I

    Introduction to limits, continuity, derivatives, and integrals. Applications of derivatives and integrals.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 122, 140 or 150 and/or satisfactory score on placement test.

    4 cr
  • MATH 162 - Calculus II

    Derivatives and integrals of non-algebraic functions. Techniques of integration. Improper integrals. Further applications of derivatives and integrals. Parametric equations and polar coordinates. Analytic geometry and conic sections. Infinite sequences and series.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 161.

    4 cr
  • MATH 190 - Special Topics

    Topics of special or current interest are offered periodically. The credit allowed for the particular course will be set by the department.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Appropriate prerequisites and contents will vary with the nature of the course offering and will be determined by the department.

    (1-3) cr
  • MATH 193 - College Success

    This course is attached to select existing Basic Skills and General Education courses for the purpose of enhancing the success of first year college students. More detail can be found in the catalog section Resources and Services for Students.

    1 cr
  • MATH 261 - Calculus III

    Three dimensional analytic geometry and vectors. Limits and continuity of functions of several variables. Partial derivatives, multiple integrals, vector calculus, and applications.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 162.

    4 cr
  • MATH 262 - Differential Equations

    Exact solutions of common types of first-order ordinary differential equations, linear equations of higher order, power series solutions, Laplace transforms, linear systems including matrix methods, graphical and numerical techniques and applications of differential equations.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 261.

    4 cr
  • MATH 281 - Mathematical Foundations of Actuarial Science

    Fundamental mathematical tools for quantitatively accessing and managing financial risk. The course is specifically geared toward the student preparing for the Course 1 actuarial examination.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 261; Co-requisite: MATH 304.

    3 cr
  • MATH 290 - Special Topics

    Topics of special or current interest are offered periodically. The credit allowed for the particular course will be set by the department.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Appropriate prerequisites and contents will vary with the nature of the course offering and will be determined by the department.

    (1-3) cr
  • MATH 291 - Special Seminar

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • MATH 300 - Discrete Mathematical Structures

    Sets, logic and induction, combinations and permutations, graph theory, functions and relations, Boolean algebras and other structures, isomorphisms, homomorphisms, finite state machines.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 161 and a structured programming language suitable for mathematics.

    3 cr
  • MATH 302 - Introduction to Modern Mathematics

    Historical development of the major concepts in geometry, algebra and logic. The nature of geometric and algebraic systems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 261 or a 300-level mathematics course.

    3 cr
  • MATH 304 - Applied Probability & Statistics

    Intended for students who have had one year of calculus. Basic probability theory, applications using combinations, continuous and discrete random variables, estimation, test of hypotheses, correlation and regression, and confidence intervals.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 162.

    3 cr
  • MATH 311 - Applied Stochastic Processes

    Stochastic modeling, conditional probability, Markov Chains, Poisson Processes, queueing theory, continuous time Markov Processes, Brownian Motion.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 162.

    3 cr
  • MATH 313 - Number Theory

    An elementary introduction to the theory of numbers. Topics may include prime factorization, Euclidean algorithm, congruences, diophantine equations, distribution of primes, quadratic residues and continued fractions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 261.

    3 cr
  • MATH 323 - Linear Algebra

    Matrices over a field. Vector spaces and linear transformations. Derivation of the standard canonical forms. Includes probability and statistical applications and other related topics.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262.

    3 cr
  • MATH 390 - Special Topics

    Topics of special or current interest are offered periodically. The credit allowed for the particular course will be set by the department.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Appropriate prerequisites and contents will vary with the nature of the course offering and will be determined by the department.

    (1-3) cr
  • MATH 393 - Readings in Mathematics

    The course content must be submitted by student to department for approval before the student may enroll.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: A 3.0 average and approval of the instructor.

    (1-4) cr
  • MATH 401 - Advanced Calculus

    Properties of the real numbers, continuity and uniform continuity, differentiation and integration, line and surface integrals, infinite series. Other topics as time permits.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262.

    3 cr
  • MATH 403 - Complex Analysis

    Properties of complex functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic functions, mappings, Cauchy-Goursat Theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, residues and poles, conformal mapping.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262.

    3 cr
  • MATH 405 - Real Analysis

    A detailed study of the real number system; functions, limits, continuity, uniform continuity; point sets: open, closed, compact and connected; differentiation and integration.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262 and one 300-level mathematics course.

    3 cr
  • MATH 419 - Applied Algebra

    An introduction to abstract algebraic tools that are useful for applications. Topics covered include the structure of integers, groups, finite fields and their polynomial rings, and their applications to the construction of error correcting codes, public key crypto-systems and security, and finite state machines.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 261 or MATH 162 and a 300 level MATH Course.

    3 cr
  • MATH 420 - Abstract Algebra

    Group theory, ring theory and field theory, isomorphism theorems. Polynomial rings.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262 and a 300-level mathematics course.

    3 cr
  • MATH 441 - Numerical Analysis I

    Theory of matrices. Numerical solution of linear and non-linear algebraic equations and eigenvalue problems; curve fitting; interpolation theory; numerical integration; differentiation and solution of differential equations; algorithms and computer programming.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262 and a structured programming language suitable for mathematics.

    3 cr
  • MATH 454 - Probability & Statistics I

    Mathematical probability as a basic of statistics. Discrete and continuous probability models, conditional probability and independence, random variables, central limit theorem, sampling distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, test of hypothesis.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262.

    3 cr
  • MATH 471 - Abstract Geometry

    An axiomatic approach to geometry. Selected geometries studied in depth.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 162 and MATH 300 or 302 or 323.

    3 cr
  • MATH 476 - Content and Concepts: Secondary School Mathematics

    Connections between content of college mathematics courses and secondary school mathematics, exploration of various approaches, view of mathematics as a dynamic body of knowledge. Restricted to majors in Mathematics Teacher Certification.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: a 400-level mathematics course or permission of instructor.

    2 cr
  • MATH 480 - Senior Seminar in Math

    Problem solving using selected topics from the common courses required in the majors offered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: senior standing or permission of instructor.

    1 cr
  • MATH 490 - Special Topics

    Topics of special or current interest are offered periodically. The credit allowed for the particular course will be set by the department.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Appropriate prerequisites and contents will vary with the nature of the course offering and will be determined by the department.

    (1-3) cr
  • MATH 491 - Special Topics

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-3) cr
  • MATH 492 - Honors

    A course approved by the Honors Committee in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule and Honors Student Status; for other students with a 3.40 grade point average or higher, permission of the instructor.

    (1-4) cr
  • MATH 493 - Readings in Math

    The course content must be submitted by student to department for approval before the student may enroll.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: A 3.0 average and approval of the instructor.

    (1-4) cr
  • MATH 498 - Honors Thesis

    Preparation and completion of an Honors Thesis. may enroll twice, one for the preparation of the proposal and once for its completion.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Honors students status and permission of the Thesis Advisor.

    3 cr
  • ME 101 - Engineering Careers & Concepts

    Introduction to engineering careers, including the ethical, social, professional and economic environment in which engineering is practiced today. Students also will be introduced to fundamental concepts and modern methods for solving engineering problems through a semester-long design project. (2-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Completion of Math Basic Skills requirement.

    2 cr Cross-Listed: (Cross-listed with ECE 101.)
  • ME 180 - Introduction to Engineering Design

    Introduction to the engineering design process. Semester long design project. Team work and project management skills. Laboratories involving prototyping skills and machine shop use. (2-3)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 140.

    3 cr
  • ME 220 - Computer-Aided Design

    Principles of engineering drawing and basic principles of graphical communication as a language and as a design tool for engineers. Construction of orthographic and pictorial views using freehand sketching, followed by utilization of computer-aided design techniques, using a CAD system on a personal computer to create 2-D and 3-D drawings and solid modeling presentations. (2-3)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 101 or ME 101.

    3 cr
  • ME 250 - Principles of Engineering Materials

    Introduction to atomic bonding and crystallography. The fundamental types of engineering materials including metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers and composites. Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of materials and their role in the selection of materials for design. X-ray diffraction, diffusion and dislocation in crystals. Phase diagrams and their significance. Corrosion and failure of materials and methods for prevention. Laboratories involving materials such as metals and alloys, ceramics, plastics and composites. Tests of both destructive (tensile, impact, creep and cold work) and nondestructive (hardness, X-ray diffraction and microscopic tests) nature are conducted. Annealing, precipitation hardening and heat treatment processes are included. (3-3)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 161 and CHEM 111.

    4 cr
  • ME 251 - Engineering Statics

    Static force analysis by means of vector algebra. Deals with force systems, moments and couples with emphasis on the use of free-body diagrams for solving applied equilibrium problems in engineering. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MATH 161 and PHYS 211.  Phys 211 may be taken concurrently with permission of instructor.

    3 cr
  • ME 252 - Engineering Dynamics

    The kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies using vector analysis. The solving of applied problems with Newton’s Second Law, work-energy and impulse-momentum methods for both translational and rotational motions with emphasis on planar motion problems. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: PHYS 211, MATH 162 and ME 251.

    3 cr
  • ME 284 - Computational Experimental Methods in Engineering

    Use of modern engineering hardware and software tools and techniques for acquiring, reducing and analyzing data. Applications include basic algorithm development, graphing, regressions and curve fitting, statistics and experimental uncertainty analysis, design of experiments and computer based data acquisition. Solution of equations, optimization. Laboratories using mathematical application software. (Matlab). Data acquisition software (labView). (3-3)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 162, PHYS 211

    4 cr
  • ME 290 - Special Topics

    Lower division level topics in the field of mechanical engineering are offered as needed.

    (1-4) cr
  • ME 302 - Engineering Analysis

    Applications of mathematical and computational techniques in engineering and science. Topics include probability, statistics, complex variables, discrete mathematics, Fourier analysis, and partial differential equations.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262.

    3 cr Cross-Listed: Cross listed with ECE 302.
  • ME 306 - Engineering Cost Analysis

    Cost comparisons for engineering and technology. Time value of money related to capital investment, equipment replacement, production costs and other problems involving selection between alternatives for solving engineering and technology problems. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    3 cr
  • ME 311 - Thermodynamics I

    First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, properties of pure substances, equations of state, state diagrams, simple process analysis and concept of entropy. Emphasis on the use of property tables and charts in applying the First and Second Laws to analyze changes occurring in both open and closed systems. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: CHEM 111, PHYS 211 and MATH 162.

    3 cr
  • ME 312 - Thermodynamics II

    Ideal gas mixtures, psychometrics, combustion. Thermodynamics design and applications to vapor/gas power cycles and refrigeration systems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 311

    3 cr Notes: Emphasis on the use of property tables in cycle analysis. The use of thermodynamics software for cycle design. (3-0).
  • ME 320 - Solid Modeling

    Computer aided design in advanced 3-D solid modeling. Concept of parametric design. Generation of solid model drawings in the parts, assembly, sheet metal, and draft environments. Intro to finite element analysis in CAD. Intro to rapid prototyping. Design project using solid modeling required. (2-3)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 220.

    3 cr
  • ME 340 - Engine Design

    This course will cover the theory and practice of internal combustion (IC) engine design. The students will modify an IC GM small block V8 engine to produce more power and torque over a usable RPM range in the laboratory portion. Topics will include IC operation, valve timing events, camshaft definitions, volumetric efficiency, cam spacing, hydraulic lifters, valve opening mechanism considerations, valve timing, degreeing, compression ratio, engine size, compression test, dampers, balance, combustion chamber design, mixture motion, quench, abnormal combustion, cylinder pressure vs. power stroke, octane rating, and fuel air ratio. (2-3).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 252 & ME 311.

    3 cr
  • ME 353 - Solid Mechanics

    Compression, tension, shear, torsion and bending forces in structural members, including distribution of stress, deflections, buckling and fatigue on solid materials. Role of Mechanics of Materials in design. Laboratory provides hands-on experience to illustrate theoretical principles. Laboratory design project. (3-3)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 250, ME 251

    4 cr
  • ME 356 - Fluid Mechanics

    Engineering applications, experiments, and design involving viscosity, statics (manometers, forces on submerged surfaces), kinematics, Bernoulli equations, conservation equations (mass, momentum, energy), dimensional analysis, the boundary layer and separation, duct flow, drag/lift forces, turbomachinery and flow measurement. (3-3).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262 and ME 252. One or both may be taken concurrently.

    4 cr
  • ME 370 - Physical & Mechanical Metallurgy

    Structures and properties of materials, destructive and nondestructive tests. Fundamentals of phase diagrams and thermodynamics of phases. Strengthening mechanisms, applications and correlation techniques. Diffusion, defects and defect prevention techniques. Elastic and plastic deformations, manufacturing and metal forming processes. Material selection as an integral part of design. Computer and lab projects. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 250, ME 353. ME 353 may be taken concurrently.

    3 cr
  • ME 380 - Manufacturing Processes & Systems

    An introduction to manufacturing processes and systems. Processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. Selection of appropriate materials, processes, and systems in conjunction with an engineering design is emphasized. Design for manufacturability, concurrent engineering, and quality method fundamentals are introduced. Laboratory experiences involving material removal processes, forming, casting, injection molding, computer aided manufacturing, rapid prototyping and basic CNC concepts (3­-3).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 220, ME 250.

    4 cr
  • ME 390 - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • ME 391 - Special Seminar in Mechanical Engineering

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • ME 416 - Power Plant Engineering

    Introduction to power generation, conventional and nuclear power plants, review of power cycles, economic and performance considerations, steam power plants, gas turbines, combined cycles, cogeneration, waste heat recovery units, selecting an optimized power generating system. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 312.

    3 cr
  • ME 420 - Heat Transfer

    Fundamentals of conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. Use of analytical, numerical and experimental methods to solve practical problems. Applications to fins, heat exchangers. Design project. Laboratories provide hands-on experiences to illustrate principles presented. (3-3).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 311 and ME 356.

    4 cr
  • ME 430 - Heat, Ventilating, Air Conditioning System Design

    Introduction to the overall system, indoor/outdoor design conditions, heating/cooling loads, application of psychometry, components and distribution systems, control systems, application to practical projects. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 420 or taken concurrently.

    3 cr
  • ME 444 - Kinematics of Machines

    Analysis and synthesis of the kinematics of motion (position, velocity and acceleration) of machine members utilizing both vector algebra and graphical methods. Design assignments will be included. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 252.

    3 cr
  • ME 445 - Mechanical Vibrations

    Introduction to free and forced vibrations for undamped and damped systems. Single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Vibration measurements and vibration isolation. Numerical treatment of discrete as well as continuous systems. Design and computer projects included. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ME 252, 353, 353L and MATH 262.

    3 cr
  • ME 446 - Automotive Vehicle Dynamics

    This course will cover the theory of ground vehicle dynamics and control. Topics will include load transfer, towing performance, traction and power limited acceleration, braking performance, braking efficiency, brake proportioning, ride quality, cornering, over steer, under steer, tire forces in cornering, suspension and steering in the cornering, steering systems analysis and geometry, and suspension systems analysis and geometry. (3-0)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 252.

    3 cr
  • ME 451 - Machine Design

    Fundamentals of load and deformation analysis. Materials considerations in component design, yield criteria, stability, reliability, factors of safety, surface damage, fatigue and impact. Applications including fasteners, shaft design, power screws, lubrication, bearings, gears and power transmission components. Computer applications and design projects. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 353.

    3 cr
  • ME 453 - Finite Element Analysis

    Introduction of finite element method as a contemporary tool in engineering and industry. Mathematical modeling and formulation techniques of finite element equations. Solution strategies and applications of finite element method in structural mechanics (trusses, beams, frames), elasticity and scalar fields (fluid flow, torsion, heat transfer, electromagnetic). Hands-on workshop sessions to illustrate various theoretical concepts. Computer and design projects. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 262 (or equivalent), ME 353, or permission of instructor.

    3 cr
  • ME 456 - Aerodynamics

    Flight history, prediction, measurement and modification of lift and drag forces, flow separation, gas dynamics, turbulence characteristics and aerodynamic design. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 311 and ME 356.

    3 cr
  • ME 460 - Control Systems

    Fundamentals of control theory, block diagrams, transfer functions and controllers. Mathematical modeling of steady-state and transient behaviors. Analysis, design and synthesis of dynamic systems. Errors, stability criteria and compensation techniques. Design and computer projects. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 252, MATH 262.

    3 cr
  • ME 470 - Fracture & Fatigue

    Microscopic and macroscopic aspects of fracture and fatigue, fatigue crack propagation and factors affecting failure of materials. Stress intensity factors, fracture toughness and design philosophy concepts. Transition temperatures, fracture and fatigue tests and correlation techniques. Statistical and reliability analysis using Weibull distribution. Analysis of case histories of structural failure. Design and computer projects. (3-0).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 250 and ME 353.

    3 cr
  • ME 480 - Senior Design I

    Students design and present a viable engineering project to be implemented in ME 481 Senior Design II. Students work in teams on a semester-long project proposal. Plans, schedules, resource requirements, several concepts, concept evaluations, drawings, schematics, budgets, formal written reports, and formal presentations are required. Students must take ME 480 Senior Design I and ME 481 Senior Design II in sequence in consecutive semesters. (2-3).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ME 451 and ME 420.

    3 cr
  • ME 481 - Senior Design II

    Students execute a viable engineering design project planned in ME 480 Senior Design I on time and on budget. Students work in teams on a semester-long implementation of a project proposal. Physical prototypes will be fabricated and tested. Written progress reports, design review presentations, a physical prototype, a physical acceptance test, and a formal written engineering report are required. Students must take ME 480 and ME 481 in sequence in consecutive semesters. (0-6).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 480.

    2 cr
  • ME 490 - Advanced Special Topics

    Upper division level topics in the field of mechanical engineering are offered as needed.

    (1-4) cr
  • ME 491 - Senior Research Project

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • ME 497 - Senior Research Project

    Theoretical or practical research project in the major area. Students must submit a plan of study before enrollment.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of the instructor.

    (1-4) cr
  • ME 498 - Honors Thesis

    Preparation and completion of an Honors Thesis. May enroll twice, once for the preparation of the proposal and once for its completion.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Honors students status and permission of the Thesis Advisor.

    3 cr
  • MFL 190 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 191 - Special Seminar

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 205 - Studies in World Literature

    Students explore literature from multiple cultures through study of works of fiction, poetry, drama and/or film by authors from outside the U.S., Great Britain and English Canada. Works selected on the basis of common theme, genre, historical period and/or geographical area. Literature not originally in English will be studied in translation. (The title in the Course Schedule will reflect the specific subject matter of the course.)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ENGL 111.

    3 cr Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with ENGL 205. May be taken more than once for credit.
  • MFL 290 - Special Topics

    Topics may vary but include: French, German, Polish and Spanish philosophy; introduction to languages not currently taught; introduction to descriptive linguistics. Course is taught in English or in the target language and includes work in the language laboratory where applicable.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: None.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 291 - Special Seminar

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 390 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-6) cr
  • MFL 396 - Field Studies

    Applications of the discipline in off-campus locations. The student and instructor must agree on the project before enrollment.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission, 2.50 grade point average, and a minimum of 12 credits in the discipline. May enroll only twice in one department.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 465 - Elementary Foreign Language Methods

    A study of elementary level foreign language pedagogy, emphasizing methods to teach listening, speaking, and culture; including methods to teach reading and writing; as well as class preparation, testing, use of language laboratory and media equipment, observation of classes, and practice in teaching.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: FREN 321 or SPAN 311 or permission of department.

    3 cr
  • MFL 466 - Secondary Foreign Language Methods

    A study of secondary foreign language pedagogy, including methods to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture; as well as class preparation, testing, use of language laboratory and other media equipment, observation of classes, and practice in teaching.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: FREN 321 or SPAN 311 or permission of department.

    3 cr
  • MFL 490 - Special Topics

    A departmental course in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 491 - Special Topics

    A departmental seminar in a subject area not currently listed in the catalog. A descriptive title will appear on the Course Schedule and the transcript.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: As listed in the Course Schedule.

    (1-4) cr
  • MFL 496 - Field Studies

    Applications of the discipline in off-campus locations. The student and instructor must agree on the project before enrollment.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission, 2.50 grade point average and a minimum of 12 credits in the discipline. May enroll only twice in one department.

    (1-12) cr

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